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Your local egg…

Our eggs are available to buy in regional stores of Sainsbury's, Tesco's and Asda as well as a number of independent retailers. If you would like more information on purchasing our eggs please contact:

jo@woodfarmfreerangeeggs.co.uk or
Tel. 01767 651224



Eggs contain most of the recognised vitamins with the exception of vitamin C. The egg is a good source of all B vitamins, plus the fat-soluable vitamin A. It also provides useful amounts of vitamin D as well as some vitamin E.



Eggs contain most of the minerals that the human body requires for health. In particular eggs are an excellent source of iodine, required to make the thyroid hormone and phosphorus, required for bone health. The egg provides significant amounts of zinc, important for wound healing, growth and fighting infection; selenium, an important antioxidant; and calcium, needed for bone and growth structure and nervous function. Eggs also contain significant amounts of iron, the vital ingredient of red blood cells.




10.8% of the egg content is fat and a typical egg contains only 5g of fat which only 1.5g is saturated. The fat of an egg is found almost entirely in the yolk, there is less than 0.05% in the egg white. A medium egg contains less than 80 calories.



Previous limits on egg consumption have been lifted as it is now known that the cholesterol they contain does not have significant effect on blood cholesterol – making them safe to eat every day as part of your balanced diet.

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